Matthias David

Emacser, Indépendant, Technicien, Developpeur

Elfeed sélection de tag

Publié le 15 août 2023 par Matthias David.

Inspiré par la solution de Alvaro Ramirez j’ai ajouté une bricole qui va récupérer la liste des tags existants et propose de choisir.

Vous trouverez également de quoi lire les vidéos directement via mpv de télécharger une image voir la vidéo.

Figure 1 : Démo


(use-package elfeed
  :hook ((elfeed-search-mode . elfeed-update))
    :keymaps 'elfeed-search-mode-map
    "<tab>" '+elfeed-completing-filter
    "d" '+elfeed-youtube-dl
    "V" '+elfeed-play-w-mpv
    "w" '+elfeed-post-to-wallabag)
    :keymaps 'elfeed-show-mode-map
    "D" '+elfeed-download-image)
    "af" 'elfeed)
  (defcustom +elfeed-videos-dir "~/Vidéos/elfeed/"
    "Directory of downloaded videos."
    :group 'darkemacs-elfeed)
  (defcustom +elfeed-images-dir "~/Images/elfeed/"
    "Directory of downloaded pictures."
    :group 'darkemacs-elfeed)
  (defcustom +yt-dlp-command "yt-dlp"
    "The \"yt-dlp\" command."
    :group 'darkemacs-tools)
  (defvar +elfeed-file ""
    "Name of org file.")
  (elfeed-db-directory (concat darkemacs-local-dir "elfeed/db/"))
  (elfeed-enclosure-default-dir (concat darkemacs-local-dir "elfeed/enclosure/"))
  ;; Hide the annoying index file form recent files
  ;;(+ignore-root elfeed-db-directory elfeed-enclosure-default-dir)

  (defun +elfeed-download-image ()
    "Download the image at point."
    (let ((url (get-text-property (point) 'image-url)))
      (if (not url)
          (message "No image at point!")
         url (expand-file-name (url-file-nondirectory url)
                               (+directory-ensure +elfeed-images-dir))))))

  (defun +elfeed-play-w-mpv ()
    "Play selected videos in a shared mpv instance in chronological order."
    (mapc (lambda (entry)
            (emp-open-url (elfeed-entry-link entry))
            (message "Playing %S in MPV" (elfeed-entry-title entry)))
          (nreverse (elfeed-search-selected)))

  (defun +yt-dl-it (url)
    "Downloads the URL with \"yt-dlp\" in an async shell."
    (let ((default-directory (+directory-ensure +elfeed-videos-dir)))
      (async-shell-command (format "%s '%s'" +yt-dlp-command url))))

  (defun +elfeed-youtube-dl (&optional use-generic-p)
    "Download Youtube videos."
    (interactive "P")
    (let ((entries (elfeed-search-selected)))
      (cl-loop for entry in entries
               do (elfeed-untag entry 'unread)
               when (elfeed-entry-link entry)
               do (+yt-dl-it it))
      (mapc #'elfeed-search-update-entry entries)
      (unless (use-region-p) (forward-line))))

  (defun +elfeed-filter-results-count (search-filter)
    "Count results for SEARCH-FILTER."
    (let* ((filter (elfeed-search-parse-filter search-filter))
           (head (list nil))
           (tail head)
           (count 0))
      (let ((lexical-binding t)
            (func (byte-compile (elfeed-search-compile-filter filter))))
        (with-elfeed-db-visit (entry feed)
                              (when (funcall func entry feed count)
                                (setf (cdr tail) (list entry)
                                      tail (cdr tail)
                                      count (1+ count)))))

  (defun +elfeed-view-filtered (filter)
    "Filter the elfeed-search buffer to show feeds tagged with FILTER."
        (let ((elfeed-search-filter-active :live))
          (setq elfeed-search-filter filter))
      (elfeed-search-update :force)))

  (defun +elfeed-get-tags ()
    (let ((all-tags '()))
      (with-temp-buffer (insert-file-contents (concat darkemacs-assets-dir +elfeed-file)
                                              (delay-mode-hooks (org-mode)))
                         (lambda ()
                           (let ((tag-string (car (last (org-heading-components)))))
                             (when tag-string
                               (setq all-tags
                                     (append all-tags (split-string tag-string ":" t)))))))

                        ;; now get counts
                        (cl-loop for tag in (seq-uniq all-tags)
                                 collect  (cons tag (format "@1months-ago +unread +%s" tag))))))

  (defun +elfeed-completing-filter ()
    "Completing filter."
    (let* ((tags (append '(("All" . "@1-months-ago +unread")) (+elfeed-get-tags) nil))
           (categories (-filter
                        (lambda (item)
                          (> (+elfeed-filter-results-count (cdr item))

      (if ( > (length categories) 0)
            (+elfeed-view-filtered (cdr (assoc (completing-read "Categories: " categories)
            (goto-char (window-start)))
        (message "All caught up \\o/")))))

(use-package elfeed-org
  :straight t
  :after (elfeed)
  (setq rmh-elfeed-org-files (list (concat darkemacs-assets-dir +elfeed-file)))